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React Native vs Native in iOS and Android App Development

author Written by Shikha Sharma on Aug 15, 2017 1515

Rapid digitalization and rising use of mobile devices are the root cause behind many new technologies being introduced to the world. To match up with the increased user expectations and needs, the app development companies are coming up with new, unique and innovative ideas for making their apps better than the competition.
The two such available language options that are considered suited for app development are “React Native” and “Native“. Both the options can be used for iOS and Android platforms. The only focus should be given in knowing which out of the two is better for app development. Let us explore.
React Native and Native in Android and iOS App Development:
The native platform for iOS is the very common Swift platform that has been using by the app development companies. The native application is specific for a particular platform and can be used only for that. For Android, the apps are developed using the Android Studio using the Java language while for the iOS, apps can be developed using Xcode using the Swift language.
Coming to the React Native, it is more of an open –source framework that uses the concepts of web development in the mobile development domain. It uses the JavaScript for developing the native applications along with saving the time.
Pros of using the React Native for App Development:

  1. Same Code: The React Native allows the app developer to use the same code for Android and iOS. There is no need to develop two separate codes for two different apps on different platforms. Thus, the app developers can actually save themselves from learning different languages.
  2. Time-Saving: The React Native helps the app developers to save a lot of their time. Since the same code is used for all the platforms, the app developers can save and invest plenty of time in enhancing the present app.
  3. Open Source: The React Native framework being an open source can be used for fixing bugs and adding features with a detailed understanding of the framework.
  4. Speed: The React Native immediately shows all the changes made in the app on the device which is running the app. This reduces the feedback time.
  5. Easy transaction: The React Native allows the web developer to easily adjust its transaction from the web development into the mobile development scenario by using the JavaScript framework.

Cons of using the React Native for App Development:

  1. Designing elements: The major concern in using React Native is the design. Since, both Android and iOS have different designs, the placements of the elements may vary by using the same code. Though the graphic elements are automatically adjusted, it still creates displacement of many elements.
  2. APIs: The React Native does not give complete support to all the APIs of the native platform. Most of the APIs are supported but there are still some left.
  3. Interaction: The React Native is not very easy when it comes to interacting with the features of native applications like camera, etc.

Pros of using the Native for App Development:

  1. APIs: The Native platform gives complete support to the available APIs which is a major concerning issue in React Native. All the APIs can be easily accessed with the Native applications.
  2. Third Part Libraries: The Native environment offers a wide variety of third party libraries when developing the app. The app developers can choose from the number of resources available in the native third party libraries.
  3. Error detection: The Native environment uses the strict native languages for both the platforms of Android and iOS which helps in an easy detection of the errors and thus help in enhancing the apps developed.
  4. Long terms benefit: understanding and implementing the apps with the basic native environment is always a good and safe option for the future. The app developers can totally rely on the native environment for longer terms benefits.

Cons of using the Native for App Development:

  1. Different codes: Since the Native environment does not support a single code for both the platforms; therefore, the app developers have to use two different codes for developing the same applications for different platforms.

Which one to Choose?
Since both the environments have their own benefits, they must be selected as per your requirements.
If the app developer has a strict with the time and budget and is from the web development background, then the React Native environment should be used for developing the apps. On the other hand, if the app developer has got enough time to develop two different set of codes for different platforms and also want to fix as many errors as possible, then using the Native will be the right choice for the app development.

Shikha Sharma
Shikha Sharma received a Master's degree in Computer science and now she is working as SEO Executive at Xtreem Solution, leading iPhone App Development Company. She loves to write about trends in mobile apps, iOS, Android, react native, flutter, cross-platform, web technology and digital marketing trends. Her professional interest is focused on grabbing Knowledge. Apart from this, she is a coffee lover & nature lover. She loves to read books and also crazy about photography, travelling, adventure trips and pastel rainbows.

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