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What is UAT (User Acceptance Testing): A Details Guide

author Written by Shikha Sharma on May 06, 2020 | Updated on: Jun 14, 2022 3952

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a form of testing & this perform by the end user or the client to verify/accept the program system and it's transferring the software application to the manufacturing environment.

One of the important factors, UAT is always done in the last phase of testing after functional & integration.

The main purpose of UAT is to find the business stream. It doesn't focus on other errors, Spelling errors or System testing.

What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

User Acceptance Testing is a complete package in a testing environment with production like information setup. It's a kind of black-box testing where a couple of end-users get involved in throughout the process.

It's a procedure to check the system necessities of a user. It is performed when the system is done by real users.

User acceptance testing comes after -- Unit Testing-->Integration Testing-->System Testing-->Acceptance Testing in the process of testing.

Once the software is done with Integration then should need the User Acceptance Testing. However, why UAT is must because developers code applications it is based on the requirements document and may not realize what the customer needs from their applications.

Requirements changes according to the project might not be communicating effectively to your developers.

If we talked about VModel, User acceptance testing is a necessary phase in the Software Development life cycle (SDLC).

Following are the basic criteria for User Acceptance Testing

  • Business Requirements have to be available.
  • Program Code is to be fully designed.
  • Unit Testing, Integration Testing & System Testing should be performed in the best manner.
  • Regression Testing should be completed with no significant defects.
  • Each of the reports should be fixed and analyzed before UAT.
  • Traceability matrix for all testing should be performed.
  • UAT Environment should be ready.

How to do UAT Testing 

  • Firstly, Evaluation of Business Requirements
  • Creation of UAT evaluation plan
  • Identify Evaluation Scenarios
  • Produce UAT Test Examples
  • Preparation of Test Data(Production like Data)
  • Run the Test cases
  • Record the Outcomes
  • Verify company objectives

Analysis of Business Requirements

One of the most important activities in the UAT, identifying and create the test scenarios. The UAT test plan, that will be used to verify and should meet according to your business needs. It records everything related to entry & exit for UAT Test scenarios for analyzing further.

Identify the test scenarios connected to a high-tech company is an initial step.

Preparation of Test Data

It is best advised to use live data for UAT. Information should be very active & fine for further security reasons. The tester should be knowledgeable about the database risk.

Run & Record Out Comes

Execute test cases and report the file of bugs. Test Management tools can be used for implementation purpose.

Confirm Business Objectives

Business Analysts or UAT Testers must send the whole data via email after the UAT testing before going into the production. Following are the points that should be consider: 

  • Business process works should be in the best way.
  • UAT Sign off meeting with stakeholders.

UAT Tester should possess, a decent knowledge of the business. He/she should be independent to the user & Tester should be Analytical and creative thinker to create the best UAT.

In this whole process, Tester or Business Analyst matters a lot, who knows the company requirements or flows can easily prepare the test.

Best Guidelines of UAT

Firstly, UAT should be done in a QA environment. If UAT environment is not available then you should avoid the testing.

UAT should be categorized into Beta and Alpha testing but it is not important if the software is designed for a service-based industry.

UAT makes more sense once the client is already involved in this, so it should be a great thing if you also collaborate with your client in this whole process.


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Types of User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Alpha Testing

Alpha testing is done in a lab environment where the product developed.

It's the type of testing, to recognize all probable issues/bugs before releasing a product to each user or people. It identifies the real users using Black Box and White Box testing techniques. The main function is to execute tasks by the user.

Beta Testing

Beta version of the software released a limited number of an individual.With the help of real users, can get feedback on product quality.

Beta testing reduces failures, dangers and supplies increased quality of a product through customer validation.

It's the form of testing in which software users or application user consider as an actual user. In this program, it analyzed in an actual environment and recorded as kind of an external User Acceptance testing.

This type of testing, able to get feedback from users and it is the best thing about any testing.


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Why User Acceptance Testing Matters?

After software goes through a Unit, Integration and System testing then should be a need for testing. It can be possible, that applications developed by an SRS document that is not based on the customer, may what clients want is missing in software.

why user acceptance testing matters Once a system testing completed, it is a kind of testing that is demanded by the customer. It is required when the clients want the best performance & proper functioning, in that case, should need a specified User Acceptance Testing.

Benefits of User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

If User Acceptance Testing executed before delivering to the customer than it is must, the system & functions are already defined.

  • It helps to identify the end products based on their client expectations.
  • By using this, you can get a perfect product, without any bug.
  • To get a top product for the user.
  • You can receive a full-function product.

How Can User Acceptance Testing Works?

As we all know, UAT executed by the users of a system.

how uat works

It's a kind of testing which is done at a customer location known as Beta testing. Once an application is ready for UAT testing then following responsibilities are required to perform better.

  • Creation of UAT test plan.
  • Analysis of Business Requirements.
  • Identify Evaluation Scenarios.
  • Create UAT Test Cases.
  • Planning of Test Data.
  • Run the Exam cases.
  • Record the Results.
  • Evaluation of Business requirements.

Best Practices of User Acceptance Testing

Best points should be considered to make the UAT Success:

  • Planning of UAT strategy before starting the project.
  • Prepare checklists before the UAT.
  • Create a Pre UAT session through system testing phase.
  • Set an expectation and specify the scope of UAT.
  • Test a system by using a real-world scenario and data.
  • Perform Usability Testing.
  • Take feedback meetings and session, before moving to production.


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The Best UAT Tools

The best testing tools are available in the marketplace, you should use once in life before the start.

Fitness Tools

It's a Java tool & used as a testing engine. It also helps to create many tests to get an idea about the data table. This tool is perfect for input formatted and tests created automatically and finally tests executed, and produce the result to the user.


It is a toolkit and famous to automate browser tests during the process of UAT. Ruby is a programming language used & for inter-process communicating between Ruby and Internet Explorer.


With UAT, the client can make sure with their requirements or needs rather than assuming the facts. The advantage of UAT is very surprised by all the market holders.

If you are also planning to implement all the strategy that we had discussed via this blog information then you can share your ideas with us. Hope you like this , so stay tuned with our latest blogs.

Shikha Sharma
Shikha Sharma received a Master's degree in Computer science and now she is working as SEO Executive at Xtreem Solution, leading iPhone App Development Company. She loves to write about trends in mobile apps, iOS, Android, react native, flutter, cross-platform, web technology and digital marketing trends. Her professional interest is focused on grabbing Knowledge. Apart from this, she is a coffee lover & nature lover. She loves to read books and also crazy about photography, travelling, adventure trips and pastel rainbows.

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